New Year’s Resolutions and Baguette Trivia
Since Brian and I have such a crazy work schedule, we try not to venture too far from home when we have time off (which is rare), if we can avoid it. However, our friends Craig and Felice couldn’t make it up to Beach Lake this year, so we decided to spend New Year’s Eve at their place, near Princeton, NJ.
Here are my New Year’s resolutions for 2013:
Exercise more. My son Ian gave me a cool workout outfit, so I now have no more excuses!
Stay on top of paperwork and keep my desk clean (this is one those impossible tasks that drives me and the rest of my family crazy).
Stop buying stupid presents. Generally, I take pride in choosing thoughtful gifts; however, once in a while, my willpower will fail me and I’ll give in—I simply had to purchase that Pinocchio pencil sharpener for someone!
And finally….never stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve. The best New Year’s Eve we ever spent was in California, when we watched the ball drop in Times Square at 9:00pm!
We subscribe to The Guardian Weekly newspaper from Manchester, England. In a recent article, it stated that in France, 97% of French families purchase bread daily. Every second, 320 baguettes are produced and consumed. And the question many of the French ask themselves is not always: “What will we eat for dinner tonight?” but “what will we eat with our bread?” I think that should become the Beach Lake Bakery motto!